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★Frequently Asked Questions★

Q: What is a "pukaparade"?

A: My name 'pukaparade' was chosen because I thought it sounded whimsical and fun. I love puka and thought that one would also make a good mascot!


"The púca (Irish for spirit/ghost), pooka, phouka, phooka, phooca, puca or púka is primarily a creature of Celtic folklore. Considered to be bringers both of good and bad fortune, they could either help or hinder rural and marine communities. The Púca can have dark or white fur or hair." - wikipedia

Q: Where do you get x made?

A: I'm sorry! I'm uncomfortable talking about my manufacturers and would prefer to keep that to myself or share it only with close friends. Thank you for understanding.

Q: What programs/tools do you use?

A: I currently mostly create in Procreate on the Ipad 9.7" or on PC in Clip Studio Paint!

★ Past Conventions★

Anthro New England, Akumacon, AniMaine, Animazement, Anime Boston, Another Anime Con, Bishounencon, Boston Comic Con, Brooklyn Comic Con, Denver Pop Con, Derpycon, Dokomi, Flamecon, Granite State Comic Con, Holiday Matsuri, Indiana Comic Con, Katsucon, Kawaiikon, Kumoricon, Liberty City Anime Con, Mechacon, Megacon, Metrocon, Nekocon, Nerdfest NH, Nor'Geekster, North East Comic Con, Otakon, Portcon, Queen City Kamikaze, Tampa Bay Comic Con, Tekko Con, YC3 Con

©2019 pukaparade

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